..My Five Rules for Avoiding Blogger Burnout

July 10, 2015


Just recently, I have learned that a couple of the bloggers that I follow have taken some extended time off from their blogs due to the stress of it all. It had me thinking about how sad that was, to stop doing something you used to love because it's no longer making you happy. I don't often get deep up in here, but I love my corner of the internet and would hate to have to close it's doors. I don't think I am doing anything particularly special, but I figured I would share my thoughts on the great wide world of blogging because were all friends here, right? Right.

1. The cardinal rule is to never ever compare your blog/Instagram feed/following to other bloggers. If you do this, you will feel very bad, unmotivated, and defeated REAL quick. I think I do a pretty good job of this because I never intended to be a "brand," and I am totally okay with it. I'm sure it's different if you are trying to blog as your main income (so I can't speak to that) but I will definitely keep Instagraming my personal friends, my pets, and things that aren't so picture perfect and color schemed and I don't care if you don't like it...(but totally hope that you do and want to stick around ;). Life is no fun if you are constantly wondering why someone else's [insert media here] is better than yours, or if you should post something just because it fits the profile. You do you.

2. Blog and write like the only person it's for is you. Honestly no one is going to care about what you were wearing on a weekend three years ago BUT you (hate to break it to ya). So treat these posts like the archives of your life. Give things context (doesn't have to be a literary masterpiece) so that one day when you are showing your children these posts (because the internet is like, forever y'all) you will be flooded with memories about the day you shot those photos, or where you went in your totally cute 2010's outfit back in the day.

3. Realize that like MANY other platforms (Facebook, Instagram), blogs are just snapshots of peoples lives and are by NO means an accurate portrayal of whats really going on. It may look like all some of these famous bloggers do is get free luxury items, have perfect photographer husbands, and go on vacation, but they still have to deal with the many struggles life throws at human beings, like health problems, image issues, and trying to get anything done at the DMV. They might not blog about those less than stellar days, but you best believe they happen.

4. Tell FOMO to suck it. Don't feel like you have to do every single thing. Blogger events are great but do you have to attend EVERY get-together, happy hour, blogger event, and conference? No. If you are not a full time blogger, you have work, family, boyfriends, friends, weddings, birthdays, ETC that should come first. It's easy to think you are missing out but I tend to be right where I choose to be most days. Think about it.

5. Remember, you created your space and YOU are the boss, CEO, aaaand HBIC. You miss a day? So what! You make the rules. It's not like I'm going to fire myself, am I right? Don't worry about it!


  1. Love this. Pure truth on surviving in the blogging world. Sing it girl!

  2. {intert 1000 thumbs up emojis here}

    ~Sarah of Sarah's Real Life

  3. AH! This is EXACTLY what I needed to read this morning :) I've been feeling majorly burned out lately and not sure if I still wanted to blog. The blogging hustle can be too much, right? I've got to remember to blog for me :)

    XO, Nicole

    a dash of gold

  4. The "never compare" rule is so hard, but so necessary! Maybe I'm not strong enough of a person, but if I find myself feeling "not enough" because of what I see on social media, I just unfollow them. No reason to have toxic in my feed :)


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xx E.