I recently helped throw a "Champagne" themed bachelorette party for the fancy pants of my group. Obviously you can't have a champs themed party without a mimosa bar involved. This is just one way to set one up if you need something cute and easy.
We ordered custom champs glasses that had her bachelorette hashtag and everyone's name etched on (which was fabulous for knowing which glass was yours when you set it down) as well as glittery ring pinked striped paper straws (because, cute). I already had this chalkboard from another shower (seen here) and target happened to have the cutest chalkboard banner so it all came together nicely even though everyone contributed something different.
We then just bought enough champs to drown an elephant, three different mixers & three different garnishes. You can really get creative here but we went with grapefruit, berry, and pineapple orange juices paired up with orange slices, strawberries, and pineapple. The result was so much adorableness. Cheers!

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xx E.