The deets: J.Crew hat; Old Navy cover-up (sold out but all swim gear is now 60% off); Quay sunnies; Star Mela bag (also sold out but LOVE this one and this one); VS swimsuit.
This post actually makes me super sad because I think it's my last beachy one of the summer (side note - there were pumpkins everywhere in Pier1 this weekend which makes me want rip my face off - cut it out, AUGUST). This was actually not my favorite cover-up as it wasn't quite as flattering in person as online but it still won me over enough to be worn due the cute poms. Obviously I was a sucker for pom poms as my tote also has them, so fun! I am so happy I purchased this hat in the beginning of spring because I got SO much use out of it! It went with almost every beach look this summer (also seen here, here, and here). Here is to fully enjoying all the summery goodness we have left.

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xx E.