The deets: Madewell jeans & shoes; Topshop jacket; Sincerely Jules tee; Prada sunnies; Balenciaga tote; Knox Thomas Designs necklace.
Warning: please forgive me, this is a longer and slightly personal post.
Let me begin by saying I consider myself a "bad" blogger. I avoid networking events, have major anxiety at the few group events I do attend, and honestly detest the whole self promotional aspect of my social media duties as a blogger. I don't Instagram everyday, my photos are taken before or after a real life event so they are less consistent and amateur, I don't have a professional photog snapping pics of me because when I hear a blogger say off to a "shoot" today I literally feel a feral cringe in the pit of my stomach. I also know things are moving away from the actual blog websites and more just to the snipets of instagram and instastories but, all that being said...I like it here. I like having this little website but I would also like to make it better, so I am asking for a favor (pretty pretty please).
The issue is that there are times when I think to myself, "why the eff do I continue to blog my outfits onto the internet?" I definitely am not re-inventing the wheel here, I display clothes on my thick and curvy 5'2 frame while there are so, SO many better blogs of beautiful, skinnier, taller, younger girls but I just keep on going. Even though I may disappear for weeks at a time, I keep coming back. I guess I return each time because my hope is that if someone is reading this because they are genuinely interested or maybe just enjoy my bizarre writing or self deprecating rants, I don't want to disappoint you. The other reason is that when you have kept at something for this long you feel like you would be giving up a part of your heart if you quit completely. Which is why I need said favor. If you have found yourself at this little corner of the internet, please do me a huge solid and fill out this tiny reader survey here so I can reassess Currently Coveting (it's only ten questions and anonymous). I will love you forever (for eva-evaa).
Aaaaand back to regularly scheduled programming regarding this look - since I basically went on a huge tangent there! I would like to start a religion for Madwell just to worship their denim (more here). I basically exclusively buy their jeans now. These high waisted babies are my most recent pair and they are no exception. The shoes are also one of my favorite recent purchases, black suede strappys that are totally walk friendly and go with everything? Yes. I wore them all around NOLA and there was not a blister to be found. I also feel like every millennial girl needs a staple leather jacket and a graphic tee in her wardrobe. Instantly appear put together but with no effort (ahem...the old tee-shirt and jeans uniform vamped up).
Again - thank you, thank you, thank you.

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xx E.