The deets: VB x Target dress; TopShop jacket; Banana Republic heels (similar under $35); J.Crew pearls; Rebecca Minkoff mini-bag (similar under $20); Ray-Ban sunnies (similar under $16).
I had a very "DC" wedding to attend last weekend, it was held at a really chic art gallery right next to one of our favorite bars and we never even knew it was there. We headed into Church Key for a pre ceremony drink then walked over to Fathom Gallery where they had a gorgeous rooftop wedding and reception. I wasn't planning on wearing this dress but the day was much colder then originally anticipated and my only appropriate jacket was a leather one so I bacially changed my whole look around that. I had picked up this dress impulsively at Target (like most things I buy from there, duh) and it seemed like the perfect time to wear it.
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xx E.