..Nantucket Date Night

June 29, 2018

The deets: J.Crew blazer and J.Crew factory dress (similar pattern); Jack Rogers sandals; Kate Spade mini bag (similar); Tan is totally fake via Tan Towels.

So I was 28 weeks in these photos, feeling great (I had actually walked 7 miles earlier that day and still had energy to get cute for our last dinner of vacation) and had a fabulous faux tan that was made possible by ALL THE TAN TOWELS (I was doing one a night on vacation) and Vita Liberata. Fast forward to now - 30 weeks and I am pale, stressed, swollen, and I feel double the size and I somehow have 10 more weeks to grow. SO thankful I took my baby-moon then and not now! I wore this out on our last dinner in Nantucket - we went to The Proprietors and while nothing disappointed there it was probably our favorite restaurant experience of the trip.

I am seriously the worst at posting outfits when they are still available in stores, this one I actually purchased in March and hand to god just wore it for the first time two weeks ago so it's long gone - BUT - the store is having 50% of EVERYTHING for 4th of July so you can find yo' self something good for cheap. I also am so happy I wore it then because I honestly don't know if it would fit me now! It's not maternity but still worked. I am a true psycho and start planning my vacation outfits super far in advance because I get anxiety about not feeling unprepared or not good in what I packed and it effecting my experience. I like to have everything set so I just get dressed, don't worry about it again, and enjoy! 

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xx E.