A Lazy Sunday Morning

March 12, 2019


After dusting off my camera to snap some shots of the family last Saturday, I realized I hadn't really used a new lens I purchased for myself late last year as much as I thought I would after having a baby. The iphone is just so much more convenient for photos on the fly. I decided to really just play with the manual settings until I got more comfortable with it and my little I made a great model for the occasion since we were just playing on a blanket on the living room floor in her jammies. I spent thirty minutes or so just snapping photos adjusting as I went, but I love how a few of these portraits came out of her just being her, eating her rattle and snuggling with her pink blankie (her security blanket). I have tons more to learn but feel excited about getting better at it and being able to capture her for years to come. Her eyes are so beautiful at this age, I hope they stay!

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xx E.