..Four Favorites

October 1, 2014


I know it's been ages since I last posted a "Four Favorites" series, but hey, I do what I want over here and I am going to start throwing them in again. Probably not weekly because, well, we all know how good I am at sticking to a series...

ANYWAY. Check out my four most favorite things of the week!

1. I broke down and bought these open toe booties. I know. This seems like a logistical nightmare to me too. My thought processes was as follows: "You want to wear booties in the winter..but like..exposed toes? What? Dumb. But soo cute. I can't this is silly. Well, they are on sale though. Okay, I need them. Bye money! And warm toes!"

2. My boyfriend literally must want to kill me by now because basically every time I see a cute photo on Instagram I HAVE to show him as if his seeing it holds great weight on the future of our relationship.. "BUT LIKE, SERIOUSLY YOU NEEEEED TO SEE THIS BUNNY WEARING GLASSES." Add "DILFS of Disneyland" to this list. Hot men with babies on their hips, walking their little princesses around, gazing at their little ones with loving adoration while they tote their stuffed animals around? This has lady-boner written alllll over it. I DIE.

3. I made this insanely delicious, fragrant, rosemary-kale-potato tart last night and it was amazing!

4. I got this jar of Clinique night cream as a free sample and now I am HOOKED. I really feel like its making a huge difference in my night time routine! I feel smoother in the mornings.


  1. Ooo, the rosemary-kale-potato tart seems like the perfect recipe to share with my best friend when she returns to Jersey to celebrate her birthday with me! I haven't seen her in a long while, and I know she'll enjoy this. Thanks, Erin :)


  2. They are SOOO comfortable too, Niki! I danced all night in them last weekend :)


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xx E.