..Baby Shower Attire

January 19, 2017


My cousin's baby shower was last weekend and this is the outfit I wore to it. The event itself was so adorable, my family made it a "Peanuts" theme and really went to town. I also had my first "diaper cake" construction experience (photo evidence here). Up until this point in my life I never really imagined myself rolling up 112 tiny diapers into little diaper diplomas and then gluing tulle onto cardboard on a Friday night but I guess that is just what happens when you reach the big 3-0. Everyone had a nice time and it's always a pleasure for me to spend a weekend up in NJ with my sister and extended family. I have one city down and three (or four if you count the one I live in) to go in the next four weeks. Wish me luck!


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xx E.