Hello. It's now 14 week me writing to you from the past (I'm actually 20 weeks now). I have a bunch of posts that I have been writing but waiting to post until I could announce that I was pregnant because I am really bad at lying/not talking about what is relevant to my current situation. I had high hopes that I'd fully come out of the dreaded morning sickness (all day sickness) phase when I got to my second trimester but it looks like I'll be one of the lucky ladies that has it a bit longer - crossing my fingers for it to be over by week 17 (*update I did! Right around week 17) - my sister said she began to feel better then. ANYWAY - this part of being pregnant is weird because you don't really look pregnant yet - you just kinda look like you ate a big Thanksgiving Day feast, every night. You also wake up feeling like you can fit into your regular clothes but then by the end of the day you are like SWEET JESUS SOMEONE PLEASE GET THESE PANTS OFF ME NOW! I've actually just started casually unbuttoning my pants at my work desk and hoping my top covers, livin' on the edge. It's a tough time for dressing, especially for me since my go-to work look is a pencil skirt with a tucked in shirt. Those skirts are getting mighty TIGHT. I have ended up reaching for more comfortable pieces that can grow with me throughout my day - come to think of it, basically like you dress for Thanksgiving - stuff with lots of give and no waist restrictions! This dress is actually one of the the first official "maternity" things I purchased while on a trip up to NYC for a bestie's shower. It's from Hatch and they have the cutest, chicest pregnancy stuff - I ended up loving it so much I got it in yellow too (you'll prob see it up on this blog soon). A lot of this weird middle bump is trial and error, I seriously haven't returned so much in my LIFE (please don't ban me from your site, ASOS) so when you find something that works, get it in every color. I was hoping to buy things that worked for now and for later since I don't want to invest a ton of cash into a wardrobe that is basically for 6 months. This dress is definitely pricer than ANY other cotton striped dress I've ever purchased but when you desperate, YOU DESPERATE. Also I can totally throw a blazer over it and wear it to work - or lose the cardigan and wear it to dinner on vacation! Like so versatile. I did wear this to my other besties baby shower last weekend but it ended up raining all over me before I could snap decent photos. Sorry guys I promise I will do better next time.
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xx E.