Easter 2019

April 26, 2019

The Soybel's "hosted" Easter this year which was probably as insane as it sounds since we live in a one bedroom apartment. Aunt Kaylin and cousin Hazel made the trek down from NJ and spent the weekend with us. We also turned Isla's bassinet into a standard size big baby crib the same weekend and I am slightly not OK about it. She is growing like a weed!

I got Hazel a matching PB Kids basket and my sister and I filled them with extra cute baby stuff (they are only 8 months apart). We let them "open" them together in their matching bunny jammies. Getting a picture of them in the hats was literally impossible so I stopped even trying. Hazel had her first peanut butter cup and I it was so awesome it put her in a tonic state for about thirty minutes. After dressing them up in their Easter best we headed to my in-laws for dinner, dessert, and trivial pursuit. Me, Mike, and Isla did not forget to take our standard holiday family pic in the front yard, in case you were worried. Side note - I actually wore this exact dress last Easter with my little 18 week bump!

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xx E.