I know I am not a "blogger" anymore but I had to snap a couple shots of my baby's first Easter basket. Making a basket for a seven month old isn't challenging per se, but you definitely are limited as they don't yet partake in sweets or even know how to "hunt" for eggs. We filled Isla's with a PB Kids stuffed bunny, some Baby GAP bunny jammies (we also got some for cousin Hazel to match), an Old Navy straw hat, the cute H&M bunny ears are courtesy of Auntie Steph, and lastly, this fun little "That's Not My Bunny" book which was sent to me c/o Lauren Hawkes. The book is part of a collection of adorable "touch and feel" books that have bright illustrations and patches of different textures on each page. We already have "That's Not My Panda" which I got as a shower gift and she loves to touch the pages (and honestly tries to eat each one - let's be real EVERYTHING goes in the mouth now). Make sure you check our her page (here) to purchase these awesome baby reads! I also splurged on a personalized Easter basket from Pottery Bard this year because I think she will use it for a long time and it was too cute with the little bun bun ears. Being a mom of one makes you 100% #EXTRAAF but I love it!

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xx E.