..ASOS Hats for Fall

August 29, 2013

..ASOS Hats for Fall

I am obsessing over all the fabulous hat possibilities that are coming back into the fold in the next month or so. Above are some of my favorites that you can find over at ASOS right now. It just so happens that today you can ALSO enter to win a $50 gift card to ASOS below! Good luck!

                                                                                The Daily Dani


  1. i'm loving this animal print midi dress from ASOS and would looove the gift card! http://us.asos.com/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=3030336

  2. I just recently pinned a leopard-print pullover sweater that I'm obsessed with -- perfect for so many situations! (http://www.asos.com/ASOS/ASOS-Leopard-Print-Angora-Jumper/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=2942755&WT.ac=rec_viewed)

    xo, Liz
    {What Dress Code?}

  3. Any of the printed dress would be awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. i love this ASOS Pack of Naughty & Nice ID Fine Bangles

  5. I'm slightly obsessed with finding the perfect faux leather hat for the fall! This one is really cute!


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xx E.