The deets: J.Crew dress (similar) and jacket (similar); Ivanka Trump heels (similar, love these); Steve Madden bag (love this one); Elizabeth and James sunnies; necklace c/o The Pink Armoire; Lancome "Wannabe" lipstick.
Sometimes when you are having one of those days that nothing is working, you just have to go for the simplest answer. Black dress, white jacket, leopard (neutral) heels, out the door. Sidenote - I actually got these same shoes like three years ago and wore them into the ground, like literally they are falling to pieces and I may have sharpied part of the spots back onto them after the calf hair fell out from all my abuse. I was super sad that I wouldn't have them this fall season and they are obviously no longer available in stores sooo I did a little internet stalking and found a brand new pair on Poshmark! Oh happy day. What can I say people, I am also the girl that has the same exact back in black and brown. I LIKE WHAT I LIKE.

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xx E.