The deets: Jammies; Socks; Perfume Sampler; Clutch; Bracelet; Candle: Bag; Tumbler; Lipstick Palette.
*(When I say "Gift Guide" I really should say "Gift ME Guide")

*(When I say "Gift Guide" I really should say "Gift ME Guide")
As someone who is a PJs every night kind of girl, I love this little heart print shortie set. I would also rock these cozy socks curled up on the couch with some tea.
This perfume sampler comes with a voucher for a full bottle version of the one you liked best, how clever! I also love a good "just for fun" palette, this Smashbox lipstick one would keep me pretty busy.
Rose gold all day erry day for me. Love this giant sparkly clutch for my bachelorette and this Bauble Bar pave link bracelet for every day use (it also comes in regular gold).
I have been on a smoothie making kick each morning and use this tumbler I got for free from my local mall. It's time for an upgrade and this Kate Spade one has caught my eye.
Candles and flowers are ALWAYS a good idea. Actually scratch that flowers are an absolute MUST. Not negotiable.
I know i don't need one right now, but how cute is this little pink fringy Rebecca Minkoff bag? It's small enough to add a pop of color when I need but not too big as I probably wouldn't use one in this color on the daily.

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xx E.