The deets: ASOS dress (not maternity - just went up a size); Soludos sneakers. All photos are by Erin Krespan.
Surprise! I'm pregnant. This actually may not be a total surprise to many as I have been pretty MIA on the blog and social media for the last couple of months due to a very rough first trimester. People kept saying that I seemed to be sick a lot and had a sneaking suspicion that I could be and, well, that was absolutely true! I could barely be vertical most days so blogging was a mountain I just couldn't climb for a minute. We don't know what we are having yet but we do know that baby Soybel or my little "soybean" is the size of an avocado now that I am in my 16th week. I wanted to include my husband in the announcement photos and since normally he's my photographer I tapped Erin to take them for us (which is why they are so pretty). I love how they came out so sorry in advance for how photo heavy this post is! I feel so lucky to be doing this with my husband who truly is my favorite person in the world. You don't see much of him around here (except for maybe a wedding post or two) because he's very camera shy but I couldn't love him more. We are filled with both excitement and a little terror for being first time parents - the baby is coming a little sooner than we thought and will be bringing him or her home to our one bedroom apartment for a few months until we make a plan to move (will blog more on this later). On the plus side I am physically feeling much better these days so I hope to be able to share more of our experiences with you. The blog won't become a full on "mommy blog" but I do hope to incorporate our life as it's always changing and I like to keep it real. Thank you for all the love and support all these years (and for sticking with me when I go off the grid)!

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xx E.